21st Century GP Blog

How do you see the world and how does it see you?

Cervical Screening Update

There has been a fall in NHS Cervical smear screening rates over the last year. New figures show three in ten of those eligible for screening do not take up the potentially life-saving offer. The latest report from NHS England shows the current uptake is 68.7% down from 69.9% in the previous year. The national…

The DCI Review- 3 actions which have the potential to provide immediate practical support to meet the short and medium term challenges outlined for the NHS

Last year, through being part of the national improvement community, I was invited to contribute to the development of The Delivery and Continuous Improvement (DCI) Review, which has been published today on the NHS England website. The DCI Review considers how the NHS, working in partnership through integrated care systems, delivers on its current priorities,…

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