21st Century GP

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In a time of rapid change, how do we need to be? I have made a decision to finally take the plunge and start writing. This is new to me so please be gentle.

So just over two years ago I had an idea. It started with a question – how has the world around me changed so quickly, some of it without my realising? Then I came upon the VUCA concept.

A VUCA world – what does it mean?

VUCA is an acronym for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. It was first used to describe the conditions in the 1980’s and originates from the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus. The VUCA concept is currently used in relation to strategic leadership, particularly in enhancing organisational success.

Volatility describes the speed and dynamics of change. The more volatile the world, the more and faster things change.

Uncertainty is the extent to which the future can be confidently predicted. This can be related to people’s perceptions as well as being a characteristic of the environment. Truly uncertain situations do not allow any prediction.

Complexity is when there is no clear cause and effect. This occurs with an increasing number of a variety of factors and interconnectedness. The more factors that are involved, the greater their variety and also their interconnectedness. The more complex the world is, the harder it is to analyse.

Ambiguity refers to mixed meanings. It tends to occur if information is incomplete, contradicting or too inaccurate to draw conclusions from. It can also refer to vagueness around an idea. The greater the ambiguity, the harder it is to interpret.

The four components of VUCA are distinct but they are also related. Brought together they make up the environment we operate in.

The VUCA concept has provided me with a framework to think about how I can be and what knowledge, skills and attitudes I may need to be successful in my work. It has enabled me to connect with my mid-career GP peers and found the GenXGP network.

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About the author

Hi! My name is Gwyn Elias, I’m a GP from the UK and founder of the GenXGP community. In this blog I share updates on topical medical issues and what I learn from my adventures in my portfolio career.

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