Starting and having a better conversation

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The Covid19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of connecting with others for our mental well-being.

As a doctor, part of my job involves having conversations with lots of people I may not have met before. I try to help people feel comfortable enough to tell me what is really troubling them.

My five tips on initiating and having a good conversation are:

Smile and make eye contact

Remember that some people ask “how are you” to say hello. Asking it a second time signals that you really are asking how someone is.

Take the time to really listen and let someone know that they have been heard.

I like to check my understanding of what I have heard. Is it actually what someone was trying to tell me? Playing back your understanding of what has been said can help develop a shared understanding of what is being discussed.

Be curious. Asking a direct question with curiosity helps show that you really mean it and want to help.

Connections are important for our mental well-being. There are lots of different ways to have a conversation. Why not try messaging someone if you are worried about having a conversation on the telephone?

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About the author

Hi! My name is Gwyn Elias, I’m a GP from the UK and founder of the GenXGP community. In this blog I share updates on topical medical issues and what I learn from my adventures in my portfolio career.

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